Holiday Card from Robert Downey Jr. and New quotes on 'Iron Man 3'

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If you're like us, you celebrated the holidays by rewatching Shane Black's terrific detective story Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, which - like many of Black's films - is set at Christmastime. It's also a great primer for the dynamic we can expect between Black and his lead actor Robert Downey Jr. in the upcoming Iron Man 3, which recently made our list of 20 Films We'd Be Sad To Miss If the World Ends. We've seen some excellent trailers so far, and Downey recently spoke with the mag Nuts UK (NSFW link, via Comic Book Movie) and offered up a few more tidbits about what Marvel has in store to kick off its cinematic Phase Two.

Here's what Downey told Nuts UK when asked how this film compares with Jon Favreau's Iron Man 2:
"I think Shane’s gone for a dark feel in this movie. It’s a lot grittier and goes back to its comic-book roots. It’s shaped into a really special movie - and Shane as been instrument [sic] in that."
I think part of the reason Iron Man 2 wasn't nearly as good as the original was because they attempted to go the route of the typical action movie sequel and tried to make things darker, touching on the famous "Demon in a Bottle" storyline that involved Stark's alcoholism. Granted, that movie had tons of other, larger problems, but I'm not so sure that making things "a lot grittier" is the answer here. The Avengers and the first Iron Man worked so well because they were relatively light and quippy, not bogged down by brooding characters. But for those who think that the tone might be headed in an overly dark direction, don't fret. Kevin Feige has already said it's not just a "serious movie," and with Shane Black at the helm, there will certainly be some humor on display.

Downey also spoke a bit about his co-star Ben Kingsley, who is playing The Mandarin, the leader of the terrorist group The Ten Rings:
"I always think there's something more terrifying about a villain who's a genius, as opposed to just relying on strength or ability. We all know what a fantastic actor Ben Kingsley is, and he pulls off the evil genius with real terrifying results."
Here is Season's greetings from Iron Man!

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