Five New Photos From The Amazing Spider-Man 2 [UPDATED]

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In case you didn't notice, we updated our post featuring the leaked triptych poster for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and it offers a pretty crazy glimpse of Dane DeHaan as Green Goblin. While we're still not sure how all three of the villains featured on the poster will come into play in this sequel, we have some new images of Spider-Man in action, including a couple shots of him in Electro's lair (though one looks like a screenshot from a video game). In addition, there's a photo of Jamie Foxx in Times Square after turning all electric blue. Come back for the first trailer in just two days.

Here are the new images from Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man 2 from USA Today:

Update! Here is the full high res banner as found by ComingSoon - click for a HQ version of the image:

Columbia Pictures releases The Amazing Spider-Man 2 in theaters next summer May 2nd, 2014.