First Reviews : 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' - Critics Reactions


The media is starting to see Avengers: Age of Ultron. What do they think?

Check out the first Avengers: Age of Ultron reactions from critics  below. 

Disney & Marvel release the film this summer on May 1st.(India 24 April) You ready? 


Parthiv Patel said...

When people are saying there are way too much, doesn't sound good:/
what do they mean?
probably more hidden marvel characters that would show up.

i dislike Spiderman 3:/

Parthiv Patel said...

Whedon's love for Scarlet Witch and his Hawkeye guilt seem to be coming out strong! I look forward to all the "supporting" characters outshining the big guys. Hawkeye, Black Wids, Scarlet Witch, Vision are all gonna be faves

Parthiv Patel said...

So one of the main things in common for all these reviews is the word fun...did you hear that DC/WB? Its ok for a comic book movie to be fun. They dont have to be boring bleak dark depressing incoherent messes.