Ever since Benedict Cumberbatch was announced as the villain in Star Trek Into Darkness, rumors have been swirling as to what villain he might be playing? Could it be Khan again, or could it be another canon character from the past like Gary Mitchell? There's tons of theories supporting and debunking those predictions, especially after seeing Cumberbatch in action in the announcement teaser for the full trailer coming on December 17th, but today a new photo finally revealed his identity. A photo featuring Captain Kirk and Spock looking at Cumberbatch in a holding cell lists his character as "John Harrison." Um, who?
Here's Benedict Cumberbatch as John Harrison in Star Trek Into Darkness from Paramount:
Well, there is no canon character with the name of John Harrison who has been a villain before or encountered the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise, so many Trek experts and fans think this is simply a red herring. Of course, an official photo like this wouldn't tell a blatant lie, but in this photo, the crew likely thinks this guy is someone named John Harrison, but he probably has some sort of secret identity. Maybe it's that kid that Kirk taunted, "Hey Johnny," as he stole his step-dad's car for a joyride in the first Star Trek. We already know the prologue playing in front of The Hobbit doesn't give away any clues (though it does use an orchestral cue from Wrath of Khan apparently), so we'll see what happens as the film's release inches closer.
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Hey, isn't that the prison room they used for Loki in the Avengers?
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