Breaking: Paul W.S. Anderson Confirmed to Direct 'Resident Evil 6'

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News broke not too long ago from Bloody Disgusting that Screen Gems was planning a September 12th, 2014 release for Resident Evil 6, another sequel in the video game film franchise. However, at the time there weren't any details as to whether or not Paul W.S. Anderson would be returning to direct yet again. Now we have confirmed that Anderson will indeed be back to direct the sixth installment of the franchise, which doesn't yet have a catchy subtitle. In addition, Milla Jovovich will certainly be back, and for those who saw Resident Evil: Retribution, the conclusion of the film basically made that a no brainer. Read on!

Anderson plans to start shooting Resident Evil 6 this fall. The Mr X visual effects house, who was responsible for all the movie magic you saw in the most recent sequel along with the other sequels Apocalypse and Afterlife, not to mention Anderson's Three Musketeers will return to do VFX work on the new project. Though the film wasn't exactly a runaway hit, the film pulled in just over $221 million worldwide, and that's enough for a sequel. Anderson has said that he had plans for a new trilogy that began following Afterlife, so maybe this will be the last Resident Evil movie? We'll have to wait and see.

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Pãrthỉv Pạtél said...

f Anderson is back in the director's chair, can we at least get something more 'Event Horizon', less 'Soldier'?