Friendship Day: Top 10 Coolest Movie Friendships!

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I think all the people who loves movies like my list and enjoy their movies season with lot of joy and thrilled a that's the perfect list i manage to make it long.Read on!

Knocked Up (2007)
The Cool Friends: The friendship that blossoms between Paul Rudd and Seth Rogen rings very true to anyone who's been introduced to a girlfriend's friend's boyfriend. Initial mistrust soon turns into an alliance which then becomes a full-blown bromance. Even the girls begin to get a bit jealous!

The Avengers (2012)
The Cool Friends: Black Widow and Hawkeye, a brother and sister in arms who fight along side each other whilst always watching the other's back. You wouldn't want to piss either of them off, really…

Inception (2010)

The Cool Friends: This one might be stretching the definition of friendship a touch, but despite the constant sniping, you can tell that Eames and Arthur are really rather fond of one another. A friendship built on mutual respect then, even if the two men are rather different in their approach to the task at hand.

Watchmen (2009)

The Cool Friends: Rorschach and Nite Owl occupy very different ends of the superhero spectrum, what with one being the shy and retiring type and the other a borderline lunatic. That said, they're very much on the same page, with Nite Owl one of the few people in the world Rorschach can call a friend.

Sherlock Holmes (2009 - 2011)

The Cool Friends: Holmes and Watson, skilled mystery solvers, hand to hand brawlers and all-round best buds. They get on each other's nerves sure enough, with Watson particularly peeved at his friend's reckless lifestyle, but he can never resist coming along for the ride, can he?

X-Men (2000 - 2011)

The Cool Friends: Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr have never seen eye to eye on the dynamic between humans and mutants, but even during their fiercest battles, the affection of their long-standing friendship can usually be detected, bubbling under the surface. A complex friendship, then, but an enduring one.

Pulp Fiction (1994)

The Cool Friends: Jules and Vincent might be colleagues first and foremost, but their willingness to share breakfast together and generally shoot the shit for hours on end qualifies them as friends in our book. And God knows they certainly tick the cool box…

E.T. (1982)

The Cool Friends: Elliott and E.T. might not speak the same language. They're not even from the same galaxy. And yet the friendship they share is probably the purest on the entire list. It's all love, baby.

50 / 50 (2011)

The Cool Friends: Kyle really comes into his own when best friend Adam falls prey to cancer, his chances of survival sitting at just 50%. While his flaky girlfriend runs a mile, Adam can always depend on his tubby, foul-mouthed bezzie to pick him up when he needs it.

Star Trek (1979 - 1991)

The Cool Friends: Louche ladies man James Tiberius Kirk, and his coldly logical crewmate, Mr. Spock. They couldn't be more different as people, and yet their mutual respect soon buds into one of the most enduring friendships in sci-fi history.

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