Exclusive: 'The Avengers: Age of Ultron' Comic-Con Teaser Revealed!

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When Joss Whedon revealed that Marvel's sequel to The Avengers was officially titled The Avengers: Age of Ultron, fans freaked out, mostly because the reveal of the title came from a cool little promo trailer. The video featured voiceover of lines from the various superheroes from the 2012 blockbuster superhero ensemble, accompanied by a visual of Tony Stark's Iron Man helmet smashing against some unknown piece of metal. Then it was revealed that it was the helmet of the villain Ultron on the receiving end of the metal mashing. Now that video is online for your viewing pleasure, along with Whedon's Comic-Con appearance.

Here's The Avengers: Age of Ultron title reveal from the JARVIS iPhone app (via MoviePilot):

It's the use of Iron Man's helmet being smashed into Ultron's that has fans thinking that Tony Stark will have a hand in creating Ultron somehow, since Hank Pym (Ant-Man) has been confirmed to not be the villain's creator (since his film won't arrive until after the sequel hits theaters). Theories have thought that Stark's artificial intelligence assistant JARVIS might go rogue, but the casting of James Spader as Ultron kind of put the kibosh on that. But since Paul Bettany's voice isn't exactly menacing, maybe he will evolve into Spader's more intimidating tones. We'll find out sometime down the road, so stay tuned for updates.

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